Everyone once in a while, I let thoughts creep in... Thoughts like "What if Placenta Encapsulation (PE) really isn't all we say it is?" "What if the nay-sayers are right, that it is just a weird trend without true value?" "What if it is just a placebo effect?"
But then, I have an experience like I had a few weeks ago. A prospective client was asking for references. She specifically wanted to talk to some second times moms who did PE with baby #2 but not with baby #1. So, I sent out a quick email to my last 20 clients or so, many of whom I knew fit this description. Within 10 minutes, the responses started coming back, things like this:
"I had a mild case of the baby blues for three days (around days 4-6) and then have been almost completely fine the entire time so if she is looking for it for PPD, I can definitely share my experience. The only times I've had some emotional challenges besides those baby blues have been after very very tough nights with little sleep. I had a great experience and have a ton of capsules left because I only needed them for about 20 days. Things just leveled off so nicely (hormones etc...). "
"Hello! Yes, I fit that description. I did the encapsulation with my 3rd child but not the first two. Feel free to pass my information along to her."
"Go ahead and forward my info on! Worked great for me, thanks:)"
Within a couple hours I had four past clients willing to speak with this future client. Then I sent out another message saying "I have enough help, no need to worry about this now!" but continued to get more people willing to share their experience.
How's that for a testimonial? Besides my personal, positive experience with PE 5.5 years ago, I just love hearing all the feedback from my clients, which number well over 250 now. And maybe it is just a placebo effect, but that's OK with me because it sure seems to be effective!
(Side Note: Placenta Benefits Inc. is currently doing a placenta vs. placebo study with researchers at UNLV. I look forward to hearing those results when their study is complete, don't you?)
-Anne Ferguson
But then, I have an experience like I had a few weeks ago. A prospective client was asking for references. She specifically wanted to talk to some second times moms who did PE with baby #2 but not with baby #1. So, I sent out a quick email to my last 20 clients or so, many of whom I knew fit this description. Within 10 minutes, the responses started coming back, things like this:
"I had a mild case of the baby blues for three days (around days 4-6) and then have been almost completely fine the entire time so if she is looking for it for PPD, I can definitely share my experience. The only times I've had some emotional challenges besides those baby blues have been after very very tough nights with little sleep. I had a great experience and have a ton of capsules left because I only needed them for about 20 days. Things just leveled off so nicely (hormones etc...). "
"Hello! Yes, I fit that description. I did the encapsulation with my 3rd child but not the first two. Feel free to pass my information along to her."
"Go ahead and forward my info on! Worked great for me, thanks:)"
Within a couple hours I had four past clients willing to speak with this future client. Then I sent out another message saying "I have enough help, no need to worry about this now!" but continued to get more people willing to share their experience.
How's that for a testimonial? Besides my personal, positive experience with PE 5.5 years ago, I just love hearing all the feedback from my clients, which number well over 250 now. And maybe it is just a placebo effect, but that's OK with me because it sure seems to be effective!
(Side Note: Placenta Benefits Inc. is currently doing a placenta vs. placebo study with researchers at UNLV. I look forward to hearing those results when their study is complete, don't you?)
-Anne Ferguson